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万博有限元分析软件+ Innoviz Technologies

Enabling the Autonomous Vehicle Revolution

Building a Better Automotive Lidar

With human error accounting for many if not most traffic accidents, fully autonomous vehicles offer a vision of safer roads. Lidar plays a central role in autonomous driving technologybecause it provides high-resolution, long-range 3D image perception. Lidar determines the variable distance of an object to a vehicle by calculating the time it takes for a pulsed laser that sends light beams out in all directions to bounce back to the laser scanner. But despite being a critical technology, most lidar products today are too expensive, too large, or too unreliable for mass market.

Innoviz Technologies is using the Ansys ecosystem to advance a lidar that meets performance, reliability, size, and cost requirements in a more compact design. Producing a new part design can take from weeks to months, so every part needs to be designed to the best possible degree of accuracy before it is released to production. Innoviz turned to Ansys simulation software to manage product validation to hit their design target of validating each sample the first time aroundand support their entirely new, unique design concept in lidar technology.

big ansys simulation

“We use many types of simulations in the Ansys ecosystem across the entire design chain of our product. We rely on Ansys capabilities to run structural analysis to understand the stresses and temperature variations of our chips. “We also use Ansys for dynamic simulation to understand vibration characteristics, and thermal simulation to see if we can dissipate the amount of power from the main components inside, like the laser. Ansys provides excellent simulation software, and we value their experience in the automotive space to help us solve our biggest design challenges.”

Oren Buskila
Chief R&D officer and co-founder at Innoviz Technologies


InnovizOne solid-state LiDAR

To design a high-performing, reliable, automotive-grade lidar small enough to satisfy consumer price perceptions, Innoviz used Ansys software to support an entirely new, unique design concept in lidar technology. Most lidars are spinning systems driven by a big motor with many lasers and detectors affixed to them. Innoviz Technologies replaced this system with a single scanning element and fewer lasers, further scaling back to a much smaller, less expensive, and far more reliable lidar. To support their innovative lidar system, Innoviz relies on Ansys simulation solutions for testing and validation across the whole design chain of their products.万博有限元分析软件Mechanicalis used for both the mechanical and optical system parts that make up the lidar — for structural analysis to determine mechanical robustness and stability of a part, and dynamic simulation to assess behavior under vibration. Innoviz Technologies’ product development team also uses Mechanical for thermal simulation to see how much power can be dissipated from the main components inside. Additionally,万博有限元分析软件Fluentis used as part of thermal analysis to simulate airflow inside and over the unit, and simulation tools such as万博有限元分析软件Maxwellfor parts that have electromagnetic elements to their operation. And with万博有限元分析软件Zemaxsoftware, Innoviz can run both sequential optical simulation and non-sequential optical simulation to simulate both the desired path of light integral to object detection, as well as the non-desired stray light, that needs to be minimized by design..

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sensor development

Autonomous Sensor Development

Simulation is used to improve sensor performance, determine optimal vehicle integration configurations, and examine their behavior across a wide range of operational scenarios.

autonomous vehicle

A Comprehensive Solution for Developing Autonomous Vehicles

万博有限元分析软件solutions for autonomous vehicles (AVs) can work together to provide a complete solution for designing and simulating AVs, including lidar and sensors, functional safety, and safetycritical embedded code — all simulated through virtual reality to reduce physical road testing requirements.

Cross section of a car

The Need for a Model-Based Solution

To help ensure that all systems and components will operate reliably, automotive systems engineers require an advanced, automated tool for generating and verifying software code.

autonomous vehicle

Autonomous Engineering

Completely autonomous vehicles have the potential to nearly eliminate passenger vehicle crashes and the attendant damages to people and property. Moving the autonomous industry forward will require a mix of simulation and real-world testing.

scade vision capabilities

Validate Autonomous Vehicle Safety

Billions of miles of road testing would be required to validate the safety of autonomous driving systems and software. Simulation is needed to make verification and validation of the operation of autonomous vehicles a practical endeavor.

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