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Ansys Business Ethics

Ansys is a global organization with locations and business partners all over the world. Our organization was founded on the belief that integrity and ethical conduct are fundamental to our long term success. When conducting business on behalf of Ansys, we must not only comply with the rules and regulations that apply to our business, but we must make sound ethical business decisions that uphold the reputation and integrity of Ansys and all of its employees.

OurCode of Business Conduct and Ethicsis the key document that governs the business decisions we make and the actions taken by the company’s directors, officers, and employees and is an expression of the company’s fundamental core values: Adaptability, Courage, Generosity, and Authenticity. This commitment to our core values and ethical conduct is vital to recruiting and retaining our employees we need to ensure the ongoing success of our company and relationships with our customers and suppliers.

If you believe that an ethical violation may have occurred, please file a report atEthicsPoint.你可以选择申请report anonymously.

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