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January 21, 2018

Are There Enough Simulation Engineers?

仿真已成为主要在产品开发lopment and optimization space. In order to keep up with the competition, companies need to hire simulation engineers who can meet their business objectives. But, are there enough to go around?

To ensure there are, academic institutions need to produce graduates who join the workforce with the computer-aided engineering (CAE) skills they need.

The Ansys Academic Program has surpassed one million downloads of its free student products.

Bringing simulation into classrooms, student teams and curricula are the best ways to lower the barrier-of-entry into CAE software.

TheAnsys Academic Programhassurpassed one million downloads of its free student products. This number and others show that simulation is becoming more than an elective, hobby or thesis topic for students. Simulation is starting to break into the academic world on various levels.

Therefore, corporations should start to see that their new recruits are ready to virtually prototype designs faster than before.

“Simulation is an important tool both inside and outside of the classroom. Students who are proficient in simulation have an easier transition from academia to industry," said Dereje Agonafer, Presidential Distinguished Professor, University of Texas at Arlington. "Students who understand the physics in the lab and can also couple it to simulation are untouchable. Knowing Ansys gives engineers a major advantage — I see this firsthand as my graduates enter the workforce.”

What is the Ansys Academic Program?

The Ansys Academic Program offers free student downloads, student team sponsorships, teaching and research products for universities and theAnsys Student Community.

The Student Community, which continues to grow every year, gives students a place to interact with their peers, at any time, to tackle simulation problems, best practices, tips and tricks.

A student and professor looking at simulation results.

In other words, surpassing one million downloads isn’t the only indicator that students are starting to graduate with simulation knowledge.

For instance, over 142,000 students in 173 countries have registered for a free massive open online course (MOOC) on simulation offered by Cornell University (in partnership with Ansys).

Other evidence that more students are graduating with simulation knowledge includes:

  • 500 sponsored student teams use Ansys software to develop designs
  • 3,200 universities in 87 countries use Ansys CAE tools in their curriculum and/or research

Ansys software isn’t just for product development. It is also an important resource for universities. The Academic Program has shown that it’s a good way to grow the number of engineering graduates that can sustain CAE initiatives.

例如,太阳队埃因霍温参加the World Solar Challenge and designed a vehicle able to carry four passengers safely and reliably. Michiel van Laarhoven, a structural engineering student with the team said, “Ansys Mechanical and composite solutions played a critical role in designing and validating the composite monocoque to obtain the optimum laminate. With the help of Ansys, we beat 16 other teams from around the world, taking first place in the Cruiser Class.”

Learn more about theAnsys Academic Programand how todownload the free software it offers.

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